the essential oil blend that every athlete needs.

Story time.

By the time I got my first wellness box delivered to my house, I had been a CrossFitter for 15 months or so, had a 1 year old, and was 1 month away from having a second baby. I was sore all the time, was desperate for natural options to keep me + my daughter healthy, and felt like I was suffocating due to having a 1 year old and a growing baby inside me taking up all my lung space. And of all the oils in that box, Deep Blue was probably the one I was most excited about.

And since it’ll be my 4 year anniversary coming up with doTERRA this month, and the fitting Deep Blue promo I’ll mention in a minute, I’m going to give you my top 4 reasons I love Deep Blue.

First of all, though, what is it? Deep Blue is doTERRA’s soothing blend, and is a blend of wintergreen, camphor, peppermint, helichrysum, blue tansy, blue chamomile and osmanthus essential oils. The chamazulene in the Blue Tansy that makes this oil actually blue, while the wintergreen and the peppermint offer a bit of a cooling sensation, and the other oils magnify the support it gives to muscle recovery.

There are a couple options for this oil.

The first is in essential oil form. Deep Blue essential oil comes in a 5ml bottle in most starter kits, and it’s one that you’ll likely go through quickly if you do any type of regular workouts, gardening, or you know, lifting of children. It’s a good one to add a little fractionated coconut oil to, to turn it into more of a massage for yourself. Plus, when you dilute Deep Blue, it goes farther and does a better job of working on those muscles for you.

The second is in a lotion form, called Deep Blue Rub. Personally, I prefer the Rub, as I feel like it’s a little bit stronger than the oil. It gives this beautiful cooling + warmth sensation, and sometimes I’ll even add a little lemongrass, or even Deep Blue oil to the Rub to strengthen its effects even more.

Here are my top reasons I adore Deep Blue:

  1. It’s the essential oil that can benefit anyone who ever has occasionally sore muscles. It soothes + calms your body after a workout, carrying babies, or even for the person in your life who loves to garden but could use a little extra soothing support afterwards. Applying this before and/or after a workout or heavy lifting day helps relax tight muscles and joints, and is a great addition to that gym bag (or diaper bag, or gardening bucket)!

  2. It’s the oil that made my husband a believer in essential oils. He’s been an athlete his whole life, and finding something that helps support his body in a natural way is such a win for him.

  3. The wintergreen and peppermint also support respiratory function, and coupled with the soothing effects on tight shoulders or a tight neck, applying this before bed on my shoulders and/or neck helps me relax!

  4. I love to rub this into my feet after being on them all day (have a bartender friend? They’ll totally appreciate this oil!).

And the best part - is that you can get them for free this month with any 200 pv order (March 2019). That means, for those of you who haven’t gotten started with doTERRA yet, you can purchase either the Home Essentials or Natural Solutions kits and get yourself a 25% discount for a year, PLUS Deep Blue Rub + Deep Blue oil for free. You can do that if I’m your oils guide here: or send me an email at

For anyone who already has an account - you can get these for free by just placing a 200pv (~$200) order, so stock up on your toothpaste, grab your supplements + your essentials, because IMO, Deep Blue is one I can never have enough of!


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